Archive: Fine Craft

At Work In My Studio Melonie Ancheta
Melonie Ancheta

Melonie Ancheta is recognized and shares her knowledge with prestigious archeologists, institutions and galleries who…

Categories:Fine Craft, History
Silver Eagle Earrings with Chevrons by Janet Walker
Chevron Trade Beads

About 20 years ago our friend, Scott Jensen, called us up and said, “Hey, come…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Technique:hand-carving Materials:Sterling Silver, trade-beads
Red ochre in situ Wilgie Mia mine Australia
Native Paint Revealed 4

Vegetable or Mineral Around the world throughout history many people have substituted vegetable matter for…

Fig-11 Red ochre stone rubbed flat. Burke Museum
Native Paint Revealed 3

The everlasting power of red ochre The earliest known use of red ochre on the…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Tags:Northwest Coast Materials:pigment, red ocher
Stone clay cake and powder pigments. Personal collection
Native Paint Revealed 2

Fig 5 is a small sampler of the red ochres I have. (I have more…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Tags:Northwest Coast Art:Painting Materials:pigment, red ocher
Fig-3 Engraved red ochre from Bolomobos Cave dated at 40,000 yrs old
Native Paint Revealed 1

Prehistoric Red Paint on the Northwest Coast Recently I spent the afternoon at Simon Fraser…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Tags:Northwest Coast Art:Painting Materials:pigment, red ocher
Fog Woman Necklace with various Bohemian Beads and Blue Gooseberies Trade Bead Bracelet made with Sky Blue Padres, Blue Russians, Chevrons and Venetian Fancy beads by Janet Walker
The Non-Edible Gooseberry Trade Bead

Maybe the fact that the good ones are hard to find makes them appealing, but…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Art:Beading Materials:trade-beads
20mm Cornaline d’Aleppo Bead on necklace with mixed Venetian Beads by Janet Walker
On The Trade Bead Routes 1

Cornaline D’Aleppo centers were originally dark green glass with a layer of ruby red glass…

Categories:Fine Craft, History Materials:trade-beads