Archive: Fine Art

Doors And Keys Triptych Mezzotint 3
I pulled together the ideas that were swirling in my head for the center mezzotint…

Chris Nowicki
Christopher Nowicki learned printmaking from Peter Elloian at the ‘Toledo Museum of Art School of…

Doors And Keys Triptych Mezzotint 2
Decisions 12 Mezzotint Mezzotint is a time-consuming endeavor. Working the textured copper plate with hand…

Doors And Keys Triptych Mezzotint 1
Decisions and Keys The process of making a copperplate mezzotint is time consuming and can…

Norvin Motorcycle Mezzotint
This Mezzotint represents many things to me, perseverance, ambition, patience, determination, hope and satisfaction. These…

Pencil Drawings of Doors
These drawings are 70x100cm and are done entirely with pencil. I do them when I…