This is my fourth trip to China and I am still fascinated with this culture and people.
I am in Tianjin now but will only be here for two days. Next I will go to Chengdu to set up and open the Contemporary Polish Printmaking Exhibition of which I am curator. It took two years to organize this exhibition of over 100 of the best Printmakers of Poland. The original exhibition opened here in Tianjin last October and is now set to open in Chengdu on April 16th. With over 300 works of art this is the largest exhibition of Polish printmaking ever assembled.
The people here are very friendly but almost no one outside of an academic or business situation speaks English. So far it has not been a problem as everyone tries to be helpful. As you can imagine the food is great although sometimes difficult to identify. I follow the advice of a friend here who told me that if you don’t know what it is by looking at it don’t ask.
I’m packing to go to Chengdu tomorrow but here are a few more photos from Tianjin. All were taken within 200 yards of the Art Academy. I am invited to dinner tonight so it will probably be another orgy of food. I hope the prints for the Polish Printmakers Show have arrived in Chengdu by the time I get there.
Author: Chris Nowicki | Archive | Email | Voicemail #14
Professor of Printmaking at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wroclaw, Poland.